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parts affect中文是什么意思

用"parts affect"造句"parts affect"怎么读"parts affect" in a sentence


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  • The design of presentation part affects the impact of display directly
  • In the interest of coming generations i suggest that the parts affected should be preserved in spirits of wine in the national teratological museum
  • This article divides into five parts , the first part was the introduction are partial , has outlined the domestic and foreign research bank efficiency situation , has analyzed the research commercial bank efficiency theory significance and the practical significance ; the second part theoretically narrated the property right structure and the efficiency theory ; the third part has analyzed the west commercial bank ' s property right structure characteristic , as well as our country commercial bank property right structure existence malpractice ; the fourth part affected our country commercial bank efficiency to the property right structure to carry on the real diagnosis analysis ; last the part proposed reforms our country commercial bank property right structure and its the reform suggestion
用"parts affect"造句  
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